As many of us grow older it becomes more difficult to navigate our homes and communities. For the past two years, NeighborWorks NEPA has been assisting older adults with critical safety modifications, low tech modifications, and supportive services which assist them in being able to continue to live safely and with dignity in their own homes and communities.
Not all steps to continue to live safely in our homes and communities for older adults need to be completed or coordinated by a social service agency such as NeighborWorks. Therefore, NeighborWorks will be partnering with the Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging and State Representative Kyle Mullins’ office (112th District, Lackawanna County) to offer monthly virtual seminars to inform future older adults, older adults, loved ones and caregivers of older adults, or anyone that is interested in learning safety and informative techniques which will allow them to continue living safely, comfortably and with dignity in their homes and communities.
The first session of the Aging in Place Education Seminar, which will take place Tuesday, July 21st, 2:00 p.m. via ZOOM, will focus on introducing participants to the different options around changes to their homes, finances, and prevention of social isolation and loneliness. Members of the NeighborWorks NEPA Aging in Place team – a Social Worker, Occupational Therapist and Homeownership and Finance Specialist will discuss options and tips to increase the health and safety for those looking to continue living in their homes.
The goal of the program is to offer more in depth seminars which will focus on changes individuals can make themselves around their homes; legal information such as estate planning, wills, power of attorney and medical power of attorney information; financial tips and guidance such as programs specific to older adults, tax extension and deferment options; and tips to assist older adults and caregivers to ensure that social isolation is prevented.
“For many older adults, realizing that there are opportunities out there that do not involve a big intervention is a critical part of staying safe and healthy in their homes and communities,” said Jason Kavulich, Director of the Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging. “We hope by supporting the Aging in Place Education Seminar that preventative measures can be put in place before a situation happens where the individual or care givers have to react, which can cause a loss of dignity and become costly on older adults and caregivers.”
"Our aging friends and family members generously served and supported our communities throughout their lives, so we owe it to them to provide the proper resources to remain in their communities and in their homes whenever possible,” added State Representative Kyle Mullins, 112th District, Lackawanna County. “The partnership between NeighborWorks and the Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging is the perfect example of how we can reach older adults and caregivers, and educate them on the many ways to age in place in a safe and dignified manner."
To learn more about the Aging in Place Education Seminar or to sign up, contact Mary Endrusick, NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania at mendrusick@nwnepa.org.