Calendar of Events
Events are listed in chronological order. Please scroll below to view our upcoming events.
Aprenda todo lo que necesita saber sobre la compra de su primera casa, desde el financiamiento y las aprobaciones previas hasta las inspecciones y los costos de cierre. Escuche a agentes inmobiliarios, inspectores de viviendas, agentes de seguros y otros expertos. Este taller es gratuito, pero es necesario registrarse.
Learn everything you need to know about purchasing your first home, from financing and pre-approvals to inspections and closing costs. Hear from realtors, home inspectors, insurance agents, and other experts. This workshop is free, but registration is required.
We will be having a Spanish-speaking workshop available in the near future. Stay tuned for more information.
Dec 31
Jan 1
This month does not have any events.