West Scranton Spring EGGStravaganza

The West Scranton Eggstravaganza is a celebration of the coming of Spring! We are so excited to bring community resources, kid's activities, music, and more for West Scranton's youth! There will be music, community resources, games, and more from 11am-3pm. The egg hunt kicks off at 1pm. Kids of all ages are welcome.
The event is at Novembrino Park 201 10th Ave, Scranton, PA. If street parking is full, we have permission from Saint Lucy's Church on 949 Scranton Street to use their parking lot.
To date, we are glad to have confirmed participation from:
Youth Arts Coalition - Art activities for kids
Albright Memorial Library - Sign up for a library card, learn about the Library's services, and access free books from the Library!
Friends of the Poor - Healthy snacks and information
Pennsylvania Department Of Transportation - Crosswalk Safety Demonstration for kids
PA Department of Health - COVID Tests, Tick Prevention Info, and more!
Fidelity Ice Cream Truck (12-2pm)