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Aging in Place


The NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania Aging in Place program provides homeowners age 60 and above with services that focus on assisting them to continue living safely and with dignity in their home and community. The Aging in Place program proudly serves Lackawanna, Luzerne and Wayne counties. NeighborWorks is a member of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States & Communities.

Program Components

Critical Safety and Accessibility Modifications - Through recommendations provided by Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS), NeighborWorks coordinates and facilitates home modifications for older adults to prevent them from having to move into a facility-type living environment.  

Volunteer Services - Working with local businesses, universities, schools, and the community, NeighborWorks coordinates small home repairs, interior/exterior painting, porch and step repair, weatherization services, home safety kit installations, grass cutting and lawn care services, snow removal, and social isolation prevention services. For more information on current volunteering opportunities, please access our Volunteer page.

Financial Counseling and Education - NeighborWorks has partnered with the Lackawanna County Tax Claim Bureau and the Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging to offer support for the Elderly Property Tax and Extension Program which can extend, defer, or assist older adults who are behind on their property taxes. Older adults are also assisted with foreclosure prevention/loss mitigation counseling, budgeting, credit repair services, creating a spending plan, managing and establishing credit, and protecting assets from identity theft and other forms of financial fraud. A FREE credit report is also included.

Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO) - Elder cottages are small, separate, manufactured residences that are temporarily placed in the side or rear yard of an older adult’s friend or family member. ECHO cottages provide safety and autonomy for older adults along with easy access to family members who can provide assistance. Please refer to the ECHO page for more information about this program.


Unfortunately, the application process for services is closed at this time and we are no longer accepting applications. Those who have already submitted applications are on the waitlist and will be contacted in due time.


Due to our regional services, the Aging in Place program is proud to work with the following partners who help make our Aging in Place services a reality: Administration for Community Living (ACL); AllOne Foundation & Charities; Geisinger; The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation; Highmark; HNB Foundation; Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging; Luzerne and Wyoming County Area Agency on Aging; The McGowan Foundation; The Moses Taylor Foundation; PA Department of Community & Economic Development; Pennsylvania Association for Area Agencies on Aging (P4A); The Pennsylvania Department of Aging; Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA); PPL Foundation; The United Way of Lackawanna, Wayne and Pike Counties; U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development; and Wayne County Area Agency on Aging.

Blog Posts

Melody Robinson graduates from Building Community Partnerships Leadership Program.

The ECHO program is reopening in Lackawanna County. Applications are being accepted until October 7, 2024.

NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania received the Organizational Impact Award during the National NeighborWorks Association 20th Annual Excellence Awards in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, April 10.

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